(setq Accounts ;; Links to my repo hosting accounts '( (sourcehut) (gitlab) (github) )) (setq Projects ;; Various code projects I'm tinkering with" '( (fair-dues "Firefox browser extension for tracking donations you give to creators") (tradle "Fork of tradle. Added trade volume distance, and decreased reliance on geography knowledge") (playlistzip "Utility to make create viewsync links out of youtube playlists") )) (setq Links ;; Things I find interesting '( ("Bartosz Ciechanowski" "Interactive explainer articles") ("Random ASCII" "Tech blog with some great debugging stories") (kickscondor "net art") (xxiivv "Art collective, a great example of 'total artwork', permeating everything they do") (pouët "One of the oldest demoscene communities. Watch pretty shiny things and thingies") ))